I’m currently at a customer in Hannover and was asked how to change the background color of a textbox from the client side validation method called by a CustomValidator control.

Here is a sample how to access the pages validation properties including the one from the custom validator:

function validateRequired(sender, args)   
    if (args.Value == null) return;   
    if (args.Value.length > 0) return; 

    args.IsValid = false; 

    var txt = $get(sender.controltovalidate);   
    if (txt)   
        txt.style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';   

I wrapped the stuff in a server control derived from the custom validator control:

public class RequiredValidator   
    : CustomValidator   
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)   
        var ctrl = Parent.FindControl(ControlToValidate);   
        if (ctrl == null)   
            throw new InvalidOperationException(   
                "ControlToValidate not found.");   
        var txt = ctrl as TextBox; 

        if (txt == null)   
            throw new InvalidOperationException(   
                "ControlToValidate is not a textbox.");   

        if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(   
            typeof(CustomValidator), "RequiredValidator"))   

                    "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n",   
        ClientValidationFunction =   
        ServerValidate += RequiredValidator_ServerValidate; 

        EnableClientScript = true;   
        ValidateEmptyText = true;   

    private void RequiredValidator_ServerValidate(   
        object source,   
        ServerValidateEventArgs args)   

        var ctrl = Parent.FindControl(ControlToValidate);   
        if (ctrl == null)   
            throw new InvalidOperationException(   
                "ControlToValidate not found.");   
        var txt = ctrl as TextBox; 

        if (txt == null)   
            throw new InvalidOperationException(   
                "ControlToValidate is not a textbox.");   

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt.Text)) return; 

        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;   
        args.IsValid = false;   