Miroslaw Maslyk has sent this small tutorial on how to use iFused with the FCKEditor. Thank you very much Miro ;-)

  1. Rename file FCKeditor\editor\dialog\fck_image.html to fck_image.aspx.

  2. On the top this file (fck_image.aspx) add this code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Uploader"
 assembly="StaticDust.Web.UI.Controls.UploadDialog" %>
 <script runat="server">  
protected void Page_Load(Object source, EventArgs e)   
    StaticDust.Web.UI.Controls.UploadDialogButton _u =   
      new StaticDust.Web.UI.Controls.UploadDialogButton();  
    _u.UploadDirectory = "~/images";  
    _u.ReturnFunction = "SetUrl()";  
    btnBrowse.Attributes["OnClick"] = "javascript:" + _u.JavascriptLink; 
  1. Find btnBrowse input html tag , add runat=“server” attribute and close tag (/>)

  2. Replace in files FCKEditor\FCKeditor\editor\js\fckeditorcode_ie_2.js and fckeditorcode_gecko_2.js all fck_image.html sentence to fck_image.aspx