Have you ever worked with the WCF DataServices Client? I was contributing to the nuget project and experienced some problems. After a few operations (web request through either the WCF Data Service Context or manually through a WebRequest) operations started to time out. I used (the fabulous) reflector pro to digg into the sources. What you see here is a class utilized to return the result of a WCF Data Services request.  

namespace System.Data.Services.Client
  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.IO;
  using System.Net;
  using System.Runtime;
  using System.Threading;

  internal class QueryResult : BaseAsyncResult
    internal void Execute()
        HttpWebResponse response = null;
          response = (HttpWebResponse) this.Request.GetResponse();
        catch (WebException exception)
          response = (HttpWebResponse) exception.Response;
          if (response == null)
        this.SetHttpWebResponse(Util.NullCheck<HttpWebResponse>(response, InternalError.InvalidGetResponse));
        if (HttpStatusCode.NoContent != this.StatusCode)
          using (Stream stream = this.httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
            if (stream != null)
              Stream asyncResponseStreamCopy = this.GetAsyncResponseStreamCopy();
              this.responseStream = asyncResponseStreamCopy;
              byte[] asyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer = this.GetAsyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer();
              long num = WebUtil.CopyStream(stream, asyncResponseStreamCopy, ref asyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer);
              if (this.responseStreamOwner)
                if (0L == num)
                  this.responseStream = null;
                else if (asyncResponseStreamCopy.Position < asyncResponseStreamCopy.Length)
                  ((MemoryStream) asyncResponseStreamCopy).SetLength(asyncResponseStreamCopy.Position);
      catch (Exception exception2)
      if (base.Failure != null)
        throw base.Failure;

Have you seen it? The HttpWebResponse instance is never closed neither disposed. Let’s digg into the HttpWebResponse close method…

public override void Close()
    if (Logging.On)
        Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "Close", "");
    if (!this.m_disposed)
        this.m_disposed = true;
        Stream connectStream = this.m_ConnectStream;
        ICloseEx ex = connectStream as ICloseEx;
        if (ex != null)
        else if (connectStream != null)
    if (Logging.On)
        Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "Close", "");

The close method closes the network stream that is in the end associated with an tcp connection. A cite from the msdn documentation:

The response must be closed to avoid running out of system resources. The response stream can be closed by calling Stream.Close or Close.

This can be validated though a netmon trace:


The request I did manually (and closed properly) don’t keep a connection alive. The WCF Data Services Client calls do. This results in additional calls timing out.

Sad but true…